Friday, July 29, 2011


He was not a fighter betta, yet his behaviour was exactly like a fighter ; aggresive, quick to challenge a fight and flare most of the time. He had a strong build, may be because his father was a giant. I was very tempted to put him in the fighter ring, but as a betta lover, think i should not do it.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


She was a gorgeous lady, yet to meet with his prince charming, anyone? haha! Moreover, she was a giant geno. Anyway, i like to equate her sexy appeal to US famous actress...Marilyn Monroe.


There were four siblings looked alike. This particular one has a better finnage and almost symmetrical. The only drawback was that he was a piebald. Purple is my favorite colour. It is certainly joyful to see this purple betta with platinum effect.

Monday, July 25, 2011


This turquoise hmpk was purchased from a local store at rm20. He was very aggresive all the time. He did not have an sword tail when young. It was only apparent when he reached about 8 months old. Hope he will pass this gene to some of his offsprings.


He mated second time at the age of 9 months old, yet he was still ready to spawn 2 weeks later. His second marriage spawned a healthy batch about 50 fry. Due to my wrong judgement in timing of removing the female from spawn tank, the bride jumped out and died.